Mardin   Leave a comment



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      The charming city of Mardin. I went to Mardin last week with my friends. We went to by plane and we landed Diyarbakır and we went to Mardin by bus and that time the excitement of navigate began inside me.

        After relaxing that night we began to ride the city. Firstly we went to Kasimiye Madrasah. It was built by Sultan Kasım in 1469. The courtyard of the Madrasah has poor and its story very interesting. Water in the poor has different mystery. From birth to death human life is depicted with the flow of water.  The water from the fountain represents the birth, pouring in the youth, narrow trough of water represent maturity and big pool represents the death. After I learnt the story, I thought that it is right our life is like the story. Also the Madrasah’s doorknob is interesting if the visitor is women, she hits underneath and the sound is thin, if the visitor is men, he hits knob upper parts and the volume is thick so, the person who in the Madrasah easily understand who is visitor and according to situation men or women open the door. Also the Madrasah’s place is very beautiful and it has fascinating scene. I took a picture with its scene.

          Secondly, we went Mardin Museum is built by Ignatios Behman Banni in 1895. It is third floor. In the first floor, we saw gravestones, tablets, ground stones belonging to various civilizations and I took a pictures. In the second floor, we saw mosaics about Assyrian and Roman periods also we saw ornaments and silver jewellery. In the third floor, we saw Archaeological Artifacts Showroom. We looked over jewelries, medical instrument and oil lamps belonging to Roman and Seljukian Periods. I took also other pictures in there.

         After these places, we went to Ulu Mosque, Cami’i Kebir. Mosque’s minaret is built by Kudbettin Ilgazi in 1176. When we went to there it is restored and I think, after restore it will be more beautiful for the visitor. Mosque has the huge view and it has very long minaret and I took a picture. While we were riding, we learnt that Mardin has different religious especially Assyrian. About 100 Assyrian families live in Mardin and after that we went to their holy place Deyrulzarafan Monastery. It is so big and it had a sun temple and Assyrian people worshiped to it before coming Christianity and after coming Christianity they built Monastery. Also its place very beautiful it has fascinating scene and I took a pictures of course. We finished our tour with the Monastery.

          I think, everybody absolutely see Mardin, because the city is so fascinating, historical and exciting. When Mardin’s children saw us they were so happy and they are so friendly and they greeted to us with flowers. In the Mardin these children left deep scars on me, they are very intelligent, they have not seen any other place so when they see us, their face, their smile, their excitement were valuable for me and I said fortunately I came. My suggestion to you please you go to first opportunity.

Posted May 4, 2011 by sumeyyegurer in Uncategorized

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