Camlıca Hill   Leave a comment

        Camlıca Hill located Anatolian side in Usküdar in Istanbul. The hill separated as big Camlıca and small Camlıca and one day I decided to going Camlıca hill and I went to Big Camlıca Hill with my two friends a beautiful sunny day and I knew that very     enjoyable a day was waiting to us.

         I and my friends went to Eminönü by bus and after that we crossed other side, Usküdar, by ferry. When we came Usküdar, we got into bus 9UD and we arrived Camlıca Hill. The hill’s height is 268 meters and when I reached the peak, Istanbul looked very beautiful, magnificent and I took a picture city’s view. While we were walking on the hill, we saw a binoculars and I looked Istanbul with it and I felt myself flying over the city it was so exciting. After a few minutes, I saw brides on the hill, I was surprised but they seemed very nice I’m sure you can see them whenever go to Camlıca Hill especially at the weekend because bride and bridegroom absolutely come after the wedding.

          After walking around the hill, of course, we were hungry and when we look over our around we saw different booths and you can buy different meals from there. If you want to buy a “döner”, you have to go döner booth, if you want to drink something you go other booth and I learnt that “Camlıca Simidi” is famous and if you want to eat simit, you go simit booth but since we are very hungry, we chosen going restaurant in there. The restaurant is named Camlıca Social Foundation, meals and staffs are very good in there. Meals are very delicious and the staff is very friendly, you should go and taste to meals. After the meal, while we are walking something caught my attention and I saw many TV and telephone transmitters on the hill and according to some people it is so dangerous for living around the hill.

          I think, you should go Camlıca Hill and you should feel a fascinating atmosphere.

Posted May 4, 2011 by sumeyyegurer in Uncategorized

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