Maiden Tower   Leave a comment

           I have been living in Istanbul about four years and I could not go to the Maiden Tower but my friends offered going to there last week and I went to the Maiden Tower with my friend.

          The Maiden Tower located at the southern entrance of Bosphorus and off the coast of Uskudar in Istanbul. It is small and very beautiful place. When I first saw the Maiden Tower, I thought why it is located at the middle of the sea and although its location is not suitable for transportation why it is so popular and my friend told the Tower’s story.

            Its story is so interesting; a sultan had a much beloved daughter. One day, an oracle said that she would be killed by a venomous snake on her 18th birthday. The sultan built the Tower in the middle of the Bosphorus to protect his daughter until her 18th birthday but her birthday day the sultan brought her a basket of exotic fruits as a birthday gift, delighted that he was able to prevent the prophecy. Upon reaching into the basket, however, an asp that had been hiding among the fruit bit the young princess and she died just as the oracle had predicted. So, the name of the tower was the Maiden Tower.

           After I learned its story, I wanted to go more there and I went with my friends. We went to other side, Uskudar, with using a boat and we walked the Maiden Tower’s coast. The boat trip to go to the tower, its paid 5 TL for student we paid and we went the tower with boat.

            When I first step the Tower, I was excited and I wanted to immediately enter. The tower is two floors and, there is a restaurant in the first floor and a cafe at the top of the tower. I went immediately to the second floor and watched from there Istanbul and it looked another pretty nice and I felt myself like a princess in there. I took a lot of picture and I sent pictures my friends because when she saw pictures, she could not forbear and immediately she came.

             The Maiden Tower is a place worth seeing. There has different atmosphere and when you go, you can easily recognize it. I think, you should not catch its atmosphere and beautiful sight.

Posted April 28, 2011 by sumeyyegurer in Uncategorized

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